Tech Advice

techadvice h150

Large organisations will normally have their own IT department. Aside from ensuring that their technology needs are met, IT departments provide the following benefits:

  • Plan and budget for the organisations ongoing technology needs in a fast changing environment
  • Optimises the organisation’s technology spend i.e. ensures that the IT budget is spent wisely

Most small businesses and self employed  professionals do not have access to such a facility as the cost of hiring a full-time IT expert is often not cost justifiable.


  • Technology related risk mitigation strategy
    • Equipment Life-cycle planning – replacement and maintenance budgets
    • Back-up systems – ensuring that your day to day operational data is secured
    • Business Continuity/Disaster recovery planning  – ensuring that you can continue to operate should the unexpected happen
  • Optimising your technology spend
    • Using cloud strategies to reduce your initial technology investment and ongoing technology spend
    • Ensuring the your and your staff have secure access to your systems in a timely manner


  • $250 initial assessment
  • $120 per hour or fixed quote thereafter