Current Tech Onsite Offer

onsite call x200

It can be unnerving when your trusted PC, laptop and/or related device breaks down or misbehaves. Whilst robust, these devices generally do require some attention from time to time. A typical maintenance routine would include:

  • Updates to applications, operating systems and device drivers
  • General cleaning and maintenance e.g. ensuring that the air vents are clear to prevent overheating
  • Cleaning old back up and temporary files and junk from your storage devices
  • Backing up your important information
  • Ensuring that your virus and malware protections are up to date

The $88 No Fix No Pay service is designed to get you back on deck i.e. up and running ASAP. Key considerations are:

  • This is an obligation free No Fix/No Pay onsite service
  • It covers the first 45 minutes of the call. Most problems will be resolved in this time frame
  • Our technicians are all University graduate level professionals
  • We believe in open and honest communication i.e. we call it as we see it. Our technicians will advise you up front if the device is not worth fixing. You will not be charged for the visit in this event
  • This excludes parts and materials i.e. you will need to cover the cost of parts and materials,  if required, should you choose to proceed
  • This offer is valid until 30 June 2016